Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Meditation Oasis (9)

Mary and Richard Maddux has provided us with the most beautiful Podcast Meditations that connect us to all life so we can heal and grow and feel at peace...I fell in love with Mary's voice as she delivered guidance to my inner spirit...Connect to your inner spirit and find peace by visiting the Meditation Oasis where there are 9 stunning free meditation Podcasts to download.

This site has so much information its a gold mine if you are looking for inspiration...Have fun exploring...I know I have...

Learn Meditation...17+ Free Online Meditations

The Meditation room has 0ver 17 great meditations that last from 3-10minutes..They cover topics such as Losing Weight, Discovering your inner guide, Listening to your instincts, Shamanism, Inner peace,Healing and much more...

To listen you need Real Player, if you do not have this service then you can read their online guides instead...

I recommend this site and know that you will visit it time and time again...

21 Free One Minute Meditations

Brahma Kumaris is a site dedicated to Spirituality and World Peace and is known for its international projects that deals with issues guided toward World Peace...I have had the privilege of meeting some of their great Teachers at a Healthy Living show where I purchased their One Minute Meditation CD...

Fortunately they offer 21 free online meditations that will calm and ground
you...Read the guide below and then click on the link that will take you directly to their choice of 21 beautiful meditations which can be downloaded or purchased...
How lucky we are to have such generous givers on this Planet...Enjoy...

7 Steps to Stillness

  1. Take a moment to be comfortable in your environment.
  2. Keeping your eyes open, gently rest them on a chosen point somewhere in front of you.
  3. Withdraw your attention from all sights and sounds.
  4. Follow the thoughts suggested on the commentary
  5. Acknowledge and appreciate the positive feelings and thoughts which may spring directly from this exercise.
  6. Stay in these feelings for a few moments.
  7. End your meditation by closing your eyes for a few moments and creating complete silence in your mind.

The Secret Garden

I absolutely love this Meditation from meditainment...It is great for Beginners as well as advanced...All you need is a pair of headphones and a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 20 minutes...

I promise you will feel refreshed...enjoy...

Please click on the link below...


DURGA SHAKTI - A digital dreamscape featuring the music Of SHAMAN'S DREAM.
This is what Puppetji likes to MEditate to & TRANCE out (after a few puffs off the Sacred Hookah)
Put the webcam girls on hold and Take a vacation from your mind and travel to No Where...and Every Where.
The JouRney is 9 minutes long...but you'll feel refreshed after you view the whole "peace"...get ready to open your mind...

Music By Craig Kohland, Rara Avis and Shaman's Dream -
Video Produced, edited and directed by PUPPETJI...

Invoking the Violet Flame

Spiritual Whirlwind Meditation to clean up the negatives energies in the aura...